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Navier-Stokes equations
The Stokes equations are: for a given \(\mathbf{f}\in L^2(\Omega)^2\):
where \(\mathbf{u}=(u_1,u_2)\) is the velocity vector and \(p\) the pressure. For simplicity, let us choose Dirichlet boundary conditions on the velocity, \(\mathbf{u}=\mathbf{u}_{\Gamma}\) on \(\Gamma\).
In [TEMAM1977], Theorem 2.2, there is a weak form of (68):
Find \(\mathbf{v}=(v_1,v_2)\in \mathbf{V}(\Omega)\):
which satisfy:
Here it is used the existence \(p\in H^1(\Omega)\) such that \(\mathbf{u}=\nabla p\), if:
Another weak form is derived as follows: We put:
By multiplying the first equation in (68) with \(v\in V\) and the second with \(q\in W\), subsequent integration over \(\Omega\), and an application of Green’s formula, we have:
This yields the weak form of (68):
Find \((\mathbf{u},p)\in \mathbf{V}\times W\) such that:
for all \((\mathbf{v},q)\in V\times W\), where:
Now, we consider finite element spaces \(\mathbf{V}_h\subset \mathbf{V}\) and \(W_h\subset W\), and we assume the following basis functions:
The discrete weak form is: Find \((\mathbf{u}_{h},p_{h}) \in \mathbf{V}_{h} \times W_{h}\) such that:
Assume that:
There is a constant \(\alpha_h>0\) such that:
\[a(\mathbf{v}_h,\mathbf{v}_h)\ge \alpha\| \mathbf{v}_h\|_{1,\Omega}^2\quad \textrm{for all }\mathbf{v}_h\in Z_h\]where:
\[Z_h=\{\mathbf{v}_h\in \mathbf{V}_h|\; b(\mathbf{w}_h,q_h)=0\quad \textrm{for all }q_h\in W_h\}\]There is a constant \(\beta_h>0\) such that:
\[\sup_{\mathbf{v}_h\in \mathbf{V}_h}\frac{b(\mathbf{v}_h,q_h)}{\| \mathbf{v}_h\|_{1,\Omega}} \ge \beta_h\| q_h\|_{0,\Omega}\quad \textrm{for all }q_h\in W_h\]Then we have an unique solution \((\mathbf{u}_h,p_h)\) of (69) satisfying:
\[\| \mathbf{u}-\mathbf{u}_h\|_{1,\Omega}+\| p-p_h\|_{0,\Omega} \le C\left( \inf_{\mathbf{v}_h\in \mathbf{V}_h}\| u-v_h\|_{1,\Omega} +\inf_{q_h\in W_h}\| p-q_h\|_{0,\Omega}\right)\]with a constant \(C>0\) (see e.g. [ROBERTS1993], Theorem 10.4).
Let us denote that:
then (69) is written by:
Penalty method: This method consists of replacing (69) by a more regular problem:
Find \((\mathbf{v}_h^{\epsilon},p_h^{\epsilon})\in \mathbf{V}_h\times \tilde{W}_{h}\) satisfying:
where \(\tilde{W}_h\subset L^2(\Omega)\). Formally, we have:
and the corresponding algebraic problem:
We can eliminate \(p_h^\epsilon=(1/\epsilon)BU_h^{\epsilon}\) to obtain:
Since the matrix \(A+(1/\epsilon)B^*B\) is symmetric, positive-definite, and sparse, (71) can be solved by known technique. There is a constant \(C>0\) independent of \(\epsilon\) such that:
(see e.g. [ROBERTS1993], 17.2)
The driven cavity flow problem is solved first at zero Reynolds number (Stokes flow) and then at Reynolds 100. The velocity pressure formulation is used first and then the calculation is repeated with the stream function vorticity formulation.
We solve the driven cavity problem by the penalty method (70) where \(\mathbf{u}_{\Gamma}\cdot \mathbf{n}=0\) and \(\mathbf{u}_{\Gamma}\cdot \mathbf{s}=1\) on the top boundary and zero elsewhere (\(\mathbf{n}\) is the unit normal to \(\Gamma\), and \(\mathbf{s}\) the unit tangent to \(\Gamma\)).
The mesh is constructed by:
1mesh Th = square(8, 8);
We use a classical Taylor-Hood element technique to solve the problem:
The velocity is approximated with the \(P_{2}\) FE (\(X_{h}\) space), and the pressure is approximated with the \(P_{1}\) FE (\(M_{h}\) space), where:
The FE spaces and functions are constructed by:
1fespace Xh(Th, P2); //definition of the velocity component space
2fespace Mh(Th, P1); //definition of the pressure space
3Xh u2, v2;
4Xh u1, v1;
5Mh p, q;
The Stokes operator is implemented as a system-solve for the velocity \((u1,u2)\) and the pressure \(p\). The test function for the velocity is \((v1,v2)\) and \(q\) for the pressure, so the variational form (69) in freefem language is:
1solve Stokes (u1, u2, p, v1, v2, q, solver=Crout)
2 = int2d(Th)(
3 (
4 dx(u1)*dx(v1)
5 + dy(u1)*dy(v1)
6 + dx(u2)*dx(v2)
7 + dy(u2)*dy(v2)
8 )
9 - p*q*(0.000001)
10 - p*dx(v1) - p*dy(v2)
11 - dx(u1)*q - dy(u2)*q
12 )
13 + on(3, u1=1, u2=0)
14 + on(1, 2, 4, u1=0, u2=0)
15 ;
Each unknown has its own boundary conditions.
If the streamlines are required, they can be computed by finding \(\psi\) such that \(rot\psi=u\) or better:
1Xh psi, phi;
3solve streamlines (psi, phi)
4 = int2d(Th)(
5 dx(psi)*dx(phi)
6 + dy(psi)*dy(phi)
7 )
8 + int2d(Th)(
9 - phi*(dy(u1) - dx(u2))
10 )
11 + on(1, 2, 3, 4, psi=0)
12 ;
Now the Navier-Stokes equations are solved:
with the same boundary conditions and with initial conditions \(u=0\).
This is implemented by using the convection operator convect
for the term \({\p u\over\p t} +u\cdot\nabla u\), giving a discretization in time
The term \(u^n\circ X^n(x)\approx u^n(x-u^n(x)\tau )\) will be computed by the operator convect
, so we obtain:
1int i=0;
2real alpha=1/dt;
3problem NS (u1, u2, p, v1, v2, q, solver=Crout, init=i)
4 = int2d(Th)(
5 alpha*(u1*v1 + u2*v2)
6 + nu * (
7 dx(u1)*dx(v1) + dy(u1)*dy(v1)
8 + dx(u2)*dx(v2) + dy(u2)*dy(v2)
9 )
10 - p*q*(0.000001)
11 - p*dx(v1) - p*dy(v2)
12 - dx(u1)*q - dy(u2)*q
13 )
14 + int2d(Th)(
15 - alpha*convect([up1,up2],-dt,up1)*v1
16 - alpha*convect([up1,up2],-dt,up2)*v2
17 )
18 + on(3, u1=1, u2=0)
19 + on(1, 2, 4,u1=0, u2=0)
20 ;
22// Time loop
23for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++){
24 // Update
25 up1 = u1;
26 up2 = u2;
28 // Solve
29 NS;
31 // Plot
32 if (!(i % 10))
33 plot(coef=0.2, cmm="[u1,u2] and p", p, [u1, u2]);
Notice that the stiffness matrices are reused (keyword init=i
The complete script is available in cavity example.
Uzawa Algorithm and Conjugate Gradients
We solve Stokes problem without penalty. The classical iterative method of Uzawa is described by the algorithm (see e.g. [ROBERTS1993], 17.3, [GLOWINSKI1979], 13 or [GLOWINSKI1985], 13):
Initialize: Let \(p_h^0\) be an arbitrary chosen element of \(L^2(\Omega)\).
Calculate :math:`mathbf{u}_h`: Once \(p_h^n\) is known, \(\mathbf{v}_h^n\) is the solution of:
\[\mathbf{u}_h^n = A^{-1}(\mathbf{f}_h-\mathbf{B}^*p_h^n)\]Advance :math:`p_h`: Let \(p_h^{n+1}\) be defined by;
There is a constant \(\alpha>0\) such that \(\alpha\le \rho_n\le 2\) for each \(n\), then \(\mathbf{u}_h^n\) converges to the solution \(\mathbf{u}_h\), and then \(B\mathbf{v}_h^n\to 0\) as \(n\to \infty\) from the Advance \(p_h\). This method in general converges quite slowly.
First we define mesh, and the Taylor-Hood approximation. So \(X_{h}\) is the velocity space, and \(M_{h}\) is the pressure space.
Stokes Uzawa
1// Mesh
2mesh Th = square(10, 10);
4// Fespace
5fespace Xh(Th, P2);
6Xh u1, u2;
7Xh bc1, bc2;
8Xh b;
10fespace Mh(Th, P1);
11Mh p;
12Mh ppp; //ppp is a working pressure
14// Problem
15varf bx (u1, q) = int2d(Th)(-(dx(u1)*q));
16varf by (u1, q) = int2d(Th)(-(dy(u1)*q));
17varf a (u1, u2)
18= int2d(Th)(
19 dx(u1)*dx(u2)
20 + dy(u1)*dy(u2)
21 )
22 + on(3, u1=1)
23 + on(1, 2, 4, u1=0) ;
24//remark: put the on(3,u1=1) before on(1,2,4,u1=0)
25//because we want zero on intersection
27matrix A = a(Xh, Xh, solver=CG);
28matrix Bx = bx(Xh, Mh); //B=(Bx, By)
29matrix By = by(Xh, Mh);
31bc1[] = a(0,Xh); //boundary condition contribution on u1
32bc2 = 0; //no boundary condition contribution on u2
34//p_h^n -> B A^-1 - B^* p_h^n = -div u_h
35//is realized as the function divup
36func real[int] divup (real[int] & pp){
37 //compute u1(pp)
38 b[] = Bx'*pp;
39 b[] *= -1;
40 b[] += bc1[];
41 u1[] = A^-1*b[];
42 //compute u2(pp)
43 b[] = By'*pp;
44 b[] *= -1;
45 b[] += bc2[];
46 u2[] = A^-1*b[];
47 //u^n = (A^-1 Bx^T p^n, By^T p^n)^T
48 ppp[] = Bx*u1[]; //ppp = Bx u_1
49 ppp[] += By*u2[]; //+ By u_2
51 return ppp[] ;
54// Initialization
55p=0; //p_h^0 = 0
56LinearCG(divup, p[], eps=1.e-6, nbiter=50); //p_h^{n+1} = p_h^n + B u_h^n
57// if n> 50 or |p_h^{n+1} - p_h^n| <= 10^-6, then the loop end
58divup(p[]); //compute the final solution
60plot([u1, u2], p, wait=1, value=true, coef=0.1);
In this example we solve the Navier-Stokes equation past a cylinder with the Uzawa algorithm preconditioned by the Cahouet-Chabart method (see [GLOWINSKI2003] for all the details).
The idea of the preconditioner is that in a periodic domain, all differential operators commute and the Uzawa algorithm comes to solving the linear operator \(\nabla. ( (\alpha Id + \nu \Delta)^{-1} \nabla\), where \(Id\) is the identity operator. So the preconditioner suggested is \(\alpha \Delta^{-1} + \nu Id\).
To implement this, we do:
NS Uzawa Cahouet Chabart
1// Parameters
2verbosity = 0;
3real D = 0.1;
4real H = 0.41;
5real cx0 = 0.2;
6real cy0 = 0.2; //center of cylinder
7real xa = 0.15;
8real ya = 0.2;
9real xe = 0.25;
10real ye = 0.2;
11int nn = 15;
14real Um = 1.5; //max velocity (Rey 100)
15real nu = 1e-3;
17func U1 = 4.*Um*y*(H-y)/(H*H); //Boundary condition
18func U2 = 0.;
19real T=2;
20real dt = D/nn/Um; //CFL = 1
21real epspq = 1e-10;
22real eps = 1e-6;
24// Variables
25func Ub = Um*2./3.;
26real alpha = 1/dt;
27real Rey = Ub*D/nu;
28real t = 0.;
30// Mesh
31border fr1(t=0, 2.2){x=t; y=0; label=1;}
32border fr2(t=0, H){x=2.2; y=t; label=2;}
33border fr3(t=2.2, 0){x=t; y=H; label=1;}
34border fr4(t=H, 0){x=0; y=t; label=1;}
35border fr5(t=2*pi, 0){x=cx0+D*sin(t)/2; y=cy0+D*cos(t)/2; label=3;}
36mesh Th = buildmesh(fr1(5*nn) + fr2(nn) + fr3(5*nn) + fr4(nn) + fr5(-nn*3));
38// Fespace
39fespace Mh(Th, [P1]);
40Mh p;
42fespace Xh(Th, [P2]);
43Xh u1, u2;
45fespace Wh(Th, [P1dc]);
46Wh w; //vorticity
48// Macro
49macro grad(u) [dx(u), dy(u)] //
50macro div(u1, u2) (dx(u1) + dy(u2)) //
52// Problem
53varf von1 ([u1, u2, p], [v1, v2, q])
54 = on(3, u1=0, u2=0)
55 + on(1, u1=U1, u2=U2)
56 ;
58//remark : the value 100 in next varf is manualy fitted, because free outlet.
59varf vA (p, q) =
60 int2d(Th)(
61 grad(p)' * grad(q)
62 )
63 + int1d(Th, 2)(
64 100*p*q
65 )
66 ;
68varf vM (p, q)
69 = int2d(Th, qft=qf2pT)(
70 p*q
71 )
72 + on(2, p=0)
73 ;
75varf vu ([u1], [v1])
76 = int2d(Th)(
77 alpha*(u1*v1)
78 + nu*(grad(u1)' * grad(v1))
79 )
80 + on(1, 3, u1=0)
81 ;
83varf vu1 ([p], [v1]) = int2d(Th)(p*dx(v1));
84varf vu2 ([p], [v1]) = int2d(Th)(p*dy(v1));
86varf vonu1 ([u1], [v1]) = on(1, u1=U1) + on(3, u1=0);
87varf vonu2 ([u1], [v1]) = on(1, u1=U2) + on(3, u1=0);
89matrix pAM = vM(Mh, Mh, solver=UMFPACK);
90matrix pAA = vA(Mh, Mh, solver=UMFPACK);
91matrix AU = vu(Xh, Xh, solver=UMFPACK);
92matrix B1 = vu1(Mh, Xh);
93matrix B2 = vu2(Mh, Xh);
95real[int] brhs1 = vonu1(0, Xh);
96real[int] brhs2 = vonu2(0, Xh);
98varf vrhs1(uu, vv) = int2d(Th)(convect([u1, u2], -dt, u1)*vv*alpha) + vonu1;
99varf vrhs2(v2, v1) = int2d(Th)(convect([u1, u2], -dt, u2)*v1*alpha) + vonu2;
101// Uzawa function
102func real[int] JUzawa (real[int] & pp){
103 real[int] b1 = brhs1; b1 += B1*pp;
104 real[int] b2 = brhs2; b2 += B2*pp;
105 u1[] = AU^-1 * b1;
106 u2[] = AU^-1 * b2;
107 pp = B1'*u1[];
108 pp += B2'*u2[];
109 pp = -pp;
110 return pp;
113// Preconditioner function
114func real[int] Precon (real[int] & p){
115 real[int] pa = pAA^-1*p;
116 real[int] pm = pAM^-1*p;
117 real[int] pp = alpha*pa + nu*pm;
118 return pp;
121// Initialization
122p = 0;
124// Time loop
125int ndt = T/dt;
126for(int i = 0; i < ndt; ++i){
127 // Update
128 brhs1 = vrhs1(0, Xh);
129 brhs2 = vrhs2(0, Xh);
131 // Solve
132 int res = LinearCG(JUzawa, p[], precon=Precon, nbiter=100, verbosity=10, veps=eps);
133 assert(res==1);
134 eps = -abs(eps);
136 // Vorticity
137 w = -dy(u1) + dx(u2);
138 plot(w, fill=true, wait=0, nbiso=40);
140 // Update
141 dt = min(dt, T-t);
142 t += dt;
143 if(dt < 1e-10*T) break;
146// Plot
147plot(w, fill=true, nbiso=40);
149// Display
150cout << "u1 max = " << u1[].linfty
151 << ", u2 max = " << u2[].linfty
152 << ", p max = " << p[].max << endl;
Stop test of the conjugate gradient
Because we start from the previous solution and the end the previous solution is close to the final solution, don’t take a relative stop test to the first residual, take an absolute stop test (negative here).

Fig. 166 The vorticity at Reynolds number 100 a time 2s with the Cahouet-Chabart method.