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Frédéric Hecht |
Professor at Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions (LJLL), Sorbonne University, Paris |
Sylvain Auliac |
Former PhD student at LJLL, optimization interface with nlopt, ipopt, cmaes, … |
Olivier Pironneau |
Professor of numerical analysis at the Paris VI university and at LJLL, numerical methods in fluid |
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France and Academie des Sciences |
Jacques Morice |
Former Post-Doc at LJLL, three dimensions mesh generation and coupling with medit |
Antoine Le Hyaric |
CNRS research engineer at Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, expert in software engineering for scientific applications, electromagnetics simulations, parallel computing and three-dimensionsal visualization |
Kohji Ohtsuka |
Professor at Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University, Japan and chairman of the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Japan. Fracture dynamic, modeling and computing |
Pierre-Henri Tournier |
CNRS research engineer at Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions (LJLL), Sorbonne University, Paris |
Pierre Jolivet |
Frédéric Nataf |
CNRS senior researcher at Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions (LJLL), Sorbonne University, Paris |
Simon Garnotel |
Reasearch engineer at Airthium |
Karla Pérez |
Developer, Airthium internship |
Loan Cannard |
Web designer, Airthium internship |
And all the dedicated GitHub contributors