New features
The notable changes of each FreeFEM release are listed below.
Version 4.15 (6 December 2024)
FreeFEM can now run Markdown (.md) files as well as .edp files. Markdown can be used to document your FreeFEM scripts (see for example the .md files in the examples/examples directory). When running a .md file, FreeFEM will execute the code contained in the FreeFEM code blocks, delimited by
1```freefem 2[freefem code] 3```
Documented Markdown examples in the distribution can be viewed on the documentation website (toggle Search in examples). Markdown can be previewed with e.g Visual Studio Code, with the FreeFEM VS Code extension providing syntax highlighting for FreeFEM code blocks.
add command
to extract freefem code form Markdown file.add read binary file with short number in bfstream plugin
add 3d case in ClosePoints plugin : function Voisinage3, ClosePoints3
real[int,int] at=A';
Powell Sabin
splitting for Scott–Vogelius lowest Stokes Element in 2D in plugin/seq/splitmesh6.cppWorsey Farin
splitting for Scott–Vogelius lowest Stokes Element in 3D in plugin/seq/splitmesh12.cppfunctional interface with
(Linear and affine) in real and complex case see tutorial/algo.edp
PETSc 3.22.2
move the plugin msh3 in kernel , so remove all
load "msh3"
in all examples and .idp files
try to fix orientation of internal edges in 2d
fix missing break and continue in
for [i,ai:a]
loopline number in macro error (thanks to P-H Tournier)
fix problem in integration of moving test or unknown function in 2d mesh:
1varf ab([u],[v]) = int2d(Th,mapu=[Xo,Yo])(u*v); 2matrix AB = ab(Zh,Rh);
we remove a piece of code.
fix problem in mesh of a ring from a square (missing option to remove duplicate vertices) example:
mesh Th2=square(19,5,[(1+y)*cos(2*pi*x),(1+y)*sin(x*pi*2)],removeduplicate=1);
Segmentation fault problem in Write_hdf5 (problem of allocation in the stack not on the heap) if the mesh2 is too large
where funcA =[[0,1],[0,0]];
correct integer overflow (in rare case) when calling INTER_SEG1d use in interpolation on Th3,ThS,ThL thanks to G. Sadaka for finding the bug
correct hidden faces on surface mesh (ffglut)
remove optimisation flag ppm2rnm.cpp in macOS (load trap)
correct abcisse curviline on reparametrage function (setcurveabcisse) in
load "Curvature"
correct compilation on ARM sonoma xcode 15.2
correct mpi essai.edp MPI_ANY_SOURCE Pb
Version 4.14
Finite element BDM2 and BDM2ortho in test, Bug in BDM2ortho corrected the 4 sept 2014 in version: v4.13-130-g1af52457
Conversion of matrix or transpose of matrix in
array to get the structure of sparse matrix. see tutorial/sparse-matrix.edp example at end1matrix A = va(Ph,Vh); 2int[int] a = A, at= A';
a meshL finite function can be see as real function with 1, or 2 parameters
1meshL ThL = segment(10); fespace VhL(ThL,P1); VhL u= x; 2cout << u(0.5) << endl; 3cout << u(0.5,0) << endl;
Exemple to code convolution of 2 functions with one with a small support to be not too expensive see tutorial/Convolution-Sample.edp example
Support for dense blocks in PETSc matrices
GenEO for saddle-point examples with PCHPDDM in PETSc
Distributed ParaView output on
Interface to
for two-dimensionalmesh
Support for Mmg parameters
PETSc 3.20.2
bug in P3pnc3d in vectorial case (thanks to
in segment(10,region=1,label=ll); region is now used..
Version 4.13
Composite FE spaces and variational forms for coupled problems (see Composite finite element spaces ):
can now define composite FE spaces with different meshes/mesh types as
1fespace Uh(Th1,[P2,P2]); 2fespace Ph(Th2,P1); 3fespace Vh=Uh*Ph;
can define coupled problems using composite FE spaces, or directly with < > syntax:
1fespace Uh(Th1,[P2,P2]); 2fespace Ph(Th2,P1); 3Uh [u1,u2],[v1,v2]; 4Ph p,q; 5 6solve Pb (<[u1,u2],[p]>, <[v1,v2],[q]>) = ...
see examples/examples/stokes_composite.edp and examples/examples/stokes_periodic_composite.edp
this new type of composite problem can be used for FEM-BEM coupling and also benefits from automatic parallel assembly (in test) and can be easily solved using the distributed solver MUMPS, see examples/bem/Helmholtz-2d-FEM-BEM-coupling-MUMPS-composite.edp
composite problems can also be solved using PETSc (in test), see examples/hpddm/Helmholtz-2d-FEM-BEM-coupling-PETSc-composite.edp
remove spurious cout in Curve/Line DG definition.
- add New Finite element 2d on mesh : RT0dc (discontinuous RT0 ) in plugin Element_Mixtesee example plugin/RT0dc.edpand P1nc (Crouziex-Raviat) + bulle : name P1bnc in plugin Element_P1ncdcand P1nc totally discontinous + bulle ; name P1bdcnc in plugin Element_P1ncdcsee example plugin/example testp1dcnc.edp
- add New finite element: P4S P4 on meshS , P3pnc3d in Element_P3pnc_3d (Couziex-Raviart with P3 )see for more information.
- add new interface for metis (see examples/plugin/metis.edp)
- Correct jump, mean, otherside of finite element function on mesh3, meshS, meshL(add missing code in method: MeshPoint::SetAdj() thanks to
try to build dmg install mac version
- add file script to build meshS from boundary meshL TL if the boundary is the graph of function from mean plane.see example in examples/3dSurf/buildmeshS.edp
1meshS Ts=buildmeshSminsurf(TL,1);// minimal surface 2meshS Tsl=buildmeshSLap(TL,1);// Laplace Surface .. 3meshS Tsl=buildmesh(TL,1,op);// op = 0 Lap and op =1 => minsurf.
add sparse block to sparse matrix
1matrix A = va(Vh,Vh); 2matrix B(A.n*5,A.n*5); 3int i=2; 4B.add(1.+10*i,A,i*ndof,i*ndof);
change isoline to do the job for meshS, see example plugin/isoline.edp
change Curve function to be with 3 components to use the isoline data.
change Curvature plugin to compatible with new isoline data for 3 d case.
change some sprintf in snprint to remove warning
bug in all P0face, P0edge, P0VF on mesh3,meshS, MeshL and also discontinous version (missing initialisation)
bug in plot function and ffglut with parameter pdf=”file.pdf” , because shift in plot named parameter not change in ffglut.
genere a bug if zero size element in read MeshL from file.
remove mistake when the border is badly defined , remove empty element in buildmeshL function.
bug in array quadrature FE.
Version 4.12
- add new finite Element P2pnc3d of Stokes problem like Crouzeix-Raviard in 3d of P2 pylynomesee G. Allaire or for details
- add pdfPLOT from (
plot( ..., pdf="filename.pdf", svg="filename.svg" );
- add missing code for Discontinous Galerkin in 3d for RHS
- add in examples/mpi/chamonix.edp : radiative transferuses new plugin plugin/mpi/RadiativeTransfer_htool.cpp, illustrates the use of htool for compression of user defined matrix operator
transform a surface meshS in 2d mesh (warning with overlapping, no test) with movemesh:
1meshS Ths = square3(10,10,[x,y,square(2*x-1)+square(2*y-1)]); 2real[int] gzz; 3mesh Th2 = movemesh(Ths,transfo=[x,y,z],getZ=gzz);// get flat 2d mesh form meshS
New 1d finite element P3 hermite (C1) finite element in plugin Element_P3
1meshL Th=segment(1,[x*L,0,0]); fespace Vh(Th,P3HL);
see example end of example plugin/testFE-P3
missing new 1d finite element P4 in plugin Element_P4
- plugin plugin/seq/MatrixMarket.cpp to read and save matrix in MatrixMarket and add also a binary formsee examples/plugin/MatrixMarket.edp test
- add ILU on complex matrix in plugin IncompleteCholeskyremark : the IncompleteCholesky is written but not tested
add test of functional interface of complex eigen value problem in examples/eigen/LapEigenValueFuncComplex.edp
correct some old code with old version of K.facePermutation() function in plugin/seq/Element_Mixte3d.cpp and plugin/seq/Element_P2bulle3.cpp (not tested)
fix in A.RemoveHalf (alway return a new matrix)
Version 4.11
add computation scalar product of R3 example : ( N’*Tl)
add tools to do compution with R3 vector see tutorial/calculus.edp
add an example tutorial/tgv-test.edp see see what tgv do on matrix build.
add R3 to get the normal of boundary element (in all mesh type)
add R3[i].P to get the point (R3) of boundary vertices
add R3 to get the measure of the boundary elment
add projection function to a mesh , meshL, MeshS or mesh3 with return a R3 point
see new example dist-projection.edp example in exemples
add dxx, dyy, dzz, dxy, .. on P2L finite element
- add tools to compute solid anglelet R3 O; a given point, Th3 a mesh3 and ThS a meshS.
solidangle(O, // triangular face is the boundary face
solidangle(O,Th3[k],nuface) // triangular face is face nuface of tet Th3[k]
solidangle(O,ThS[k]) // triangular face is ThS[k]
solidangle(O,A,B,C) // triangular face i (A,B,C)
Volume(O, // O, triangular face is the boundary face
Volume(O,Th3[k],nuface) // O, triangular face is face nuface of tet Th3[k]
Volume(O,ThS[k]) // O, triangular face is ThS[k]
Volume(O,A,B,C) // (O,A,B,C) tet ..
in bem pluging add array of HMatrix
examples/3d/Connectivite-3d.edp or /3dSurf/Connectivite-S.edp of test.
3 function mapk, mapkk, mapkk to set a function in fourier space with k parametre
1R3 K; // le fourier variable allway 3d (sorry) 2int n1=16,n2=8, n3=4; 3real[int] tab1(nx,tab2(nx*ny),tab3(nx*ny*nz); 4mapk(tab1,K,sqr(K.x)); 5mapkk(tab2,ny,K,K.norm2); 6mapkkk(tab3,ny,nz,K,K.norm2); 7// Remark you can change K by P (current point)
in SurfaceMesh.ipd fonction to build a Isocaedron and a Sphere from this Isocaedron
new finite element on MeshS this finite element is the ortogonal of RT0 on surface, or Nelelec Finite Element on triangle with one DoF per mesh edge and where the DoF is the current on Edge in orientate edge by number of vertices.
- plugin Element_P3pnc for new 2d finite element P3pnc (P3 + 2 bulles) noncoforming (continuite of P2 mod)
and add 2 examples with this new finite element examples/plugin/cavityNewtowP3pnc.edp examples/plugin/testFE-P3pnc.edp
- function to set dirichlet Boundary conditon on matrix A (real ou compex) trought an real[int]
(if none zero => set BC )
- setBC(A,au1[],-2); and the example
the beaviour of linear solver UMFPACK, CHOLMOD in case of error , now FreeFEm exit on ExecError like in MUMPS
PETSc 3.17.0
-map function in plugin dfft
pow(int,int) now call int version not complex version..
correct the normal the N implicite variable on meshL case
correct version dump in banner FreeFem++ - version 4.10 (V …
correct in CPU time on big mesh due to do bad HCode in HashTable.hpp
bug in array of finite element on meshhS, meshL (ie. fespace Vh(ThS,[P1,P1]); )
Version 4.10
ridgeangle named parameter in ExtractMeshL in msh3 plugin
DG formulation in 1d : add integral of all border of element :
and unified the notation by addingintallBE(ThS)
of now the vertex number of element inintallBE0d
integral BoundaryBE, InternalBE to know if border element (BE) is on true boundary of not. updatenElementonB
in case on no manifold data (value greater > 2) in meshL, MeshS case .. add code to use jump, mean of test functuon on MeshL case. ( not in mesh3 ) to compute RHS.add
function in shell plugin to get the current working diradd
to get the vextex on element in some int?
PETSc 3.16.1
SLEPc and SLEPc-complex have been part of PETSc and PETSc-complex for multiple releases and are now deprecated
correct problem in times loops and BCtutorial/mortar-DN-4.edp
correct problem of region number in meshLfix problem in Curve mesh and intallBE , vertex number is wrong
portability issue on arm64-apple with make petsc-slepc
fix assertion failure with transfer and transferMat with some finite elements
Version 4.9
add P3 lagrange finite element on meshS and meshS
add new plugin
to add tool to compute the number of connected components of a all kind of mesh (mesh,mesh3,meshS,meshL) with 2 kind of connected components ones on interior part of the mesh (default) ans secondly on the closure of the mesh (seeexamples/hpddm/bConnectedComponents.edp
) add functions int[int] In=iminP1K(Th,u) or int[int] Ix=imaxP1K(Th,u) get the array min/max of value u[i] where i is vertex number on each element k, so we haveu[Im[k]] = min u[i]/ i in k;
add in plugin bfstream to to read binary int (4 bytes) to read fortran file and try to pull tools to share the endiannes in progress
add gluemesh of array of MeshL and MeshS type
interface to
Kronecker product of two sparse matrices
matrix C = kron(A, B)
add lot of finite element on Mesh3, MeshS, MeshL of Discontinous Galerling Element in 3d : P1dc3d, P2dc3d, P3dc3d, P4dc3d , P0edge3d ,P0edgedc3d , P0face3d ,P0facedc3d , P0VF3d ,P0VFdc3d , on Surface : P1dcS, P2dcS, P3dcS, P4dcS , P0edgeS ,P0edgedcS , P0VFS ,P0VFdcS, on Curve : P1dcL, P2dcL, P3dcL, P4dcL , P0VFL ,P0VFdcL remark; the associated generic name existe of P1dc, P2dc, P0edge, P0VF and all dc finite element corresponding to no continuity across element.
add code of intallfaces to do Discontinous Galerkin formulation in 3d (in test FH.)
add dist function to a mesh , meshL, MeshS or mesh3
signeddistfunction to a meshL or meshS
add buildmesh functon to build a 2d mesh from a meshL (same as buildmesh see examples/3dCurve/border.edp)
Now the order to find MPI in configure is first if you have PETSC then take MPI from PETSc otherwise use previous method
on MeshL defined with buildmeshL now the default label are 2*k-1 (resp. 2*k) for the begin (resp. end) of curve where k is the order of curve use in buildmeshL. So if you have one curve the labels are 1 and 2. And new the element label are te region number not the label. This element are not really test so be carfull.
PETSc 3.15.0
bug in Find triangle contening point in 2d (border case),
int Mesh::DataFindBoundary::Find(R2 PP,R *l,int & outside) const
the parameter l not correclty return due to local variable.set CFLAGS=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration to complie with Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) to remove following error: implicit declaration of function correct :freefem:`3dCurve/basicGlue.edp`and add missing test
bugs in SLEPc
with a rectangularMat
bugs in nElementonB for DG 3d formulation.
Version 4.8
Bilaplacian example using Morley FE with PETSc, see
Oseen problem preconditioned by PCD, see
SLEPc polynomial eigenvalue solver PEPSolve()
add trivial example to check periodic boundary condition on meshS , meshL , mesh3 examples/3d/periodic3.edp examples/3dSurf/periodicS.edp examples/3dCurve/periodicL.edp
PETSc version 3.14.2
Mmg version 5.5.2
link of ffglut so change in and LIBS -> FF_LIBS and LIBS become empty to remove default libs
change number of save plot in ffglut from 10 to 20 for O. Pironneau
some memory leaks
- the periodic boundary condition have wrong before first a sementic level of MeshS and MeshL case.
the new syntexe is for example: meshL Tl=segment(10); fespace Vl(Tl,P1,periodic=[[1],[2]]); meshS Th=square3(10,10,[x*2*pi,y*2*pi]); fespace Vh2(Th,P1,periodic=[[1,x],[3,x],[2,y],[4,y]]);
fixed ‘*’ keyboard trick, to keep the viewpoint in ffglut or not.
Version 4.7-1
change the language definition to use type as a construction function with named arguments for bem plugin
PETSc version 3.14.0
ARPACK compiled by SLEPc
Mmg version 5.5.0
-std=c++14 instead of -std=c++11 when possible
plugins thresholdings, symmetrizeCSR, and fflapack and associed example
problem compilation with gfortran-10 of arpack and mumps (add -fallow-argument-mismatch flags)
Version 4.7
new way to build matrix between 2d Finite element 2d and Curve finite element to do mortar (Thank to Axel ) , see first example examples/tutorial/mortar-DN-4-v4.5.edp
normal vector in R^3 on meshS (normal of the surface) of current point (to day Ns of [x,y,0] plan is [0,0,-1]) no be compatible to exterior normal.add
tangent vector in R^3 on meshL (tangent vector of the line/curve) of current pointcompile ffmaster / ffslave example under windows (thanks to
Boolean parameter spiltpbedge in buildmesh to split in to edge with two boundary vertices
interface to PETSc DMPlex, see examples/hpddm/DMPlex-PETSc.edp
function MatDestroy
function MatPtAP and transferMat for parallel interpolation between non-matching grids, see examples/hpddm/PtAP-2d-PETSc.edp or examples/hpddm/diffusion-mg-2d-PETSc.edp
preliminary interface to SVDSolve from SLEPc to compute singular value decompositions, see examples/hpddm/mf-2d-SLEPc.edp or examples/hpddm/helmholtz-2d-SLEPc-complex.edp
preliminary interface to NEPSolve from SLEPc to solve nonlinear eigenvalue problems, see examples/hpddm/nonlinear-2d-SLEPc-complex.edp
transpose parameter when constructing a Mat for defining a matrix-free transposed operation
interface to PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage
add P2b, RT0, RT1 surface FE (P2bS, RT0S, RT1S))
add operator interpolate (2d->3d surface)
add operator x = A’*b; where x, b are array and A 2 dim array (full matrix) and generate an error in case of b’*A or b’*A expression
function MatLoad to load a PETSc Mat from disk, see examples/hpddm/MatLoad-PETSc.edp
possibility to assemble a symmetric HMatrix<complex> and to densify a HMatrix<complex> into a Mat<complex>
moved Htool to its new GitHub location
ScaLAPACK and MUMPS are not compiled by PETSc anymore if there is no Fortran compiler
MPICH is compiled by PETSc if no MPI is detected during configure, see
PETSc version 3.13.5
force –with-cudac=0 in make petsc-slepc, see
change DSL keyword P1dc3dL->P1dcL and P1dc3dS->P1dcS
rename view, hasType, changeSchur to respectively ObjectView, HasType, and ChangeSchur
rename changeNumbering, globalNumbering, originalNumbering, changeOperator, destroyRecycling, and attachCoarseOperator to respectively ChangeNumbering, GlobalNumbering, OriginalNumbering, ChangeOperator, DestroyRecycling, and AttachCoarseOperator
Nt the normal vector of the current (wrong on meshL) use Ns or Tl
augmentation routine from the PETSc plugin
MPIF77 variable
lot of mistake in MeshL element add a example o check lot of thing tutomesh1d.edp
fixed problem of change of mesh when rebuild 2d mesh with buildmesh, …. (Thank to P. Jovilet to points this problem)
missing METIS library when using SuiteSparse compiled by PETSc
missing -fno-stack-protector when building PETSc on Windows, see
fixed ffglut for the plotting of FE array solution
fixed ffglut bug on MacOS Catalina , draw inn only half windows screen (Apple Bug ???)
correct P0VF finite element
abs function of array
Version 4.6
new search algorithm for the element containing a point (more safe) in mesh of type
, ormeshL
.new function
to know if a PETSc component has been installed, e.g.,hasType("PC", "hypre")
eigenvalue problems on linear elements, cf.
–download-cmake in PETSc configure if there is no CMake available
flags –with-[slepc|slepccomplex]-include and –with-[slepc|slepccomplex]-ldflags for when SLEPc has been built outside of FreeFEM or PETSc
interface to KSPSetResidualHistory and KSPGetIterationNumber
interface to mpiWaitAll
new function extract, allows to build a curve mesh from a 2d mesh (can extract a labeled boundary, apply a geometric transformation)
ffglut can plot a vectorial FE function in surface 3d
distributed ParMmg interface, cf.
new parallel interpolator on non-matching meshes, cf.
ability to solve problems in single precision or with 64 bit integers
tool to read data form vtk file only in 3d (cf. plugin iovtk a first example examples/plugin/iovtk.edp)
- tool to read/wrile ply file of meshL, mesh3, MeshSPolygon File Format / Stanford Triangle Format do load “ioply”
values: -10 => zero row, -20 => zero row/columnWindows binary now shipped with PETSc/SLEPc
BEM examples are now in examples/mpi
plot border type is now in 3d (border 2d and 3d)
PETSc version 3.13.0
–enable-download_package may now be used to download a single package, e.g., –enable-download_metis
compilation of PETSc under Windows
compilation of plugins when using static libraries
correct detection problem in FE type when use a vectorial FE
macro concatenation with spaces in arguments
correct bug in
correct ambiguity bug in
(reading real or integer)compilation of plugin libff-mmap-semaphore.c under windows
Version 4.5
Release, binaries packages
Since the version 4.5, the FreeFEM binary packages provides with a compiled PETSc library.
FreeFEM is now interfaced with ParMmg.
New meshes and FEM border
After Surface FEM, Line FEM is possible with a new mesh type meshL
, P0
FE, basic FEM, mesh generation.
This new development allows to treat a 1d problem, such as a problem described on a 3d curve.
Abstract about Line FEM in FreeFEM.
new meshL type, refer to the section The type meshL in 3 dimension
new type of surface mesh:
the functionalities on the
type, it is necessary to load the plugin ”msh3”.generator of meshL
, define multiborder
function.basic transformation are avalaible:
, glue ofmeshL
.It is possible to build the underlying
from ameshS
with the functionbuildBdMesh
builds the boundary domain associated to themeshS
ThS and extract it by the commandmeshL
new finite element space with curve finite element type
Lagrange finite elements and possible to add a custumed finite element with the classical method (like a plugin).
as in the standard 2d, 3d, surface 3d case, the variational problem associated to surface PDE can be defined by using the keywords
to access to matrix and RHS vectoravailable operators are
and the operatorint0d
to define a Neumann boundary condition
visualisation tools
plot with
of ffglut,medit
meshes meshL and solutions2d or 3d view, with in 3d the option to visualize the elememt Normals at element (touch ‘T’) and the deformed domain according to it (touch ‘2’).
loading, saving of meshes and solution at FreeFEM’s format
“.mesh” mesh format file of Medit (P. Frey LJLL)
“.msh” for mesh and “.sol” data solution at freefem format
“.msh” data file of Gmsh (Mesh generator) (load “gmsh”)
vtk format for meshes and solutions (load “iovtk” and use the “.vtu” extension)
Boundary Element Method
Allows to define and solve a 2d/3d BEM formulation and rebuild the associated potential. The document is in construction.